The excitement is building as the Aviva premiership 2012/13 season is creeping ever closer.
For the Blue, Black and White Faithful this brings a new sense of hope. After a particularly shakey campaign last season the hopes and aspirations of Bath rugby fans brings a new belief to their hearts.
With the pre-season training getting into swing the knowledge that very soon we get to see the 'New Beginning' for Bath. Will the change be so different for the better or will the players not conform? So many questions to the fresh start, but for all the queries it's still enough to get the taste buds pumping.
The McGeechan regime slowly faltered and reduced Bath from potential league toppers to a mediocre mid table team. So enter the new band of coaching squad, almost an ultra band of coaching staff. Bruce Craig and Nick Blofeld have crafted what they believe to be a top coaching department to bring Bath back from obscurity and into the pinnacle. Gary Gold, Toby Booth, Mike Ford and Neal Hatley, are joined by last year’s first-team coach Brad Davis who will now take the helm, and now the pre-season training has started will try to implement a new standard to be displayed on the Rec. With a handful of players on international duties we wait to find out how the squad evolves, but I for one cannot wait.
In just a little under two months until the 'New look' Bath is unleashed for our viewing pleasure for the pre-season warm up matches. A particularly welsh feeling about the fixtures they should be a good and varied levels and standards to challenge the team.
The first challenge to take on the championship winners London Welsh will be no mean feat. Welsh who rightly won the playoffs and entitlement to premiership rugby are being denied their place in the top flight will want to prove a point and show the RFU they are able to mix it with the big guns.
The other two fixtures will come in the form of Osprays and Cardiff Blues. Two teams who form a strong stance in Welsh rugby. Any Anglo/Welsh fixture will always be a hard fought bout, as both nations always wish to show they're the dominant force.
Three big challenges to brace Bath Rugby for the impending Season and hopefully allow them to hit the campaign running.
So as the sun sets on Geech's day are we set for a Gold-en dawn of a new era?
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